Who would enjoy sleeping in a rainy dark rainforest full of ants and mozzies in the most basic set up ? One tarp for all camera gear and Hennessy Hammocks for beds: this special hammocks are an enclosed cocoon protected at the top by a mossie net over which a small tarp hangs to keep dry. They are DRY AS, well vented, keep you off the creepy crawlies from the wet ground. Good in case of flooding but with the only inconvenience that the bottom nylon fabric is unfortunately not mosquito-proof: the persevering island mossies bite your bum through, aye!

Doubling as “Making of” camera person, I had no choice but leaving the Kuna to accompany those guys by the lake: a croc was sighted on the opposite side at dusk and another one at dawn and saw tracks of a small croc on the muddy shore too! There is a fine line between filming crocs and staying safe away from them…

Mark tiptoeing on mangrove roots. The freshwater lake is in fact tidal, being so close to the sea, the salt water permeates through the limestone.