S10deg 02.938 E 165 deg 42.603
Left Lata this morning, accompanied with a bunch
of dolphins, decided not to beat back to the Reef
islands and went to check out Tinakula instead, a
nice broad reach, and pushed 20 miles further to
check out if there is bird hunting going on on
Nupani Island for filming purposes.
so we went looking for birds but the trees were too tall to film
Thereafter, we went to the village and the local cooked a fish on their fire for us. They had never seen a digital camera and loved seeing themselves!
The anchorage consists in hooking the edge of the
reef, as there is a steep drop off. The KUNA is hanging
two boat length from the reef edge, and thanks to the Easterly
wind, is kept away from it, hoping no westerly squall
will come tonight. Conditions seem stable for the
night and tomorrow will investigate entrance to the
deep lagoon.