Well, if you ever get hold of a copy of Dirk Sieling’s “Cruising the Solomons” guide, that’ll help navigating through the Vona Vona lagoon. Tracking down the author on Google, I wrote to him at Dirk Sieling dirksieling@xtra.co.nz and convinced him to send me a copy. He really needs to get in print again. Though the total number of yachts going through the Solomons does not justify it, it’s a good reference book, except for some inaccuracies in the GPS waypoints. Anyhow, his sketch of the passage from Nusapate to Lola is pretty accurate. Some of the sticks marking the edge of the reefs have gone missing, so someone up high up on the mast in good sunlight is just the best insurance! Some passages are quite narrow and shallow so good to reccie first by motor before attempting a sailing. In the channel in between the reefs, the depths are 10 to 20 m, so any place is good to drop the pick if vis is not good enough or just stop and get oriented!!!

Google Earth is a good navigation tool too, for navigating in shallow waters. The Vona Vona is mostly unsurveyed and has a complex network of shallow reefs and sandbank between the islands. Some dry out at low tide.
I will add a complete set of waypoints soon. Here is an example of the reef edge marker found along the way. These sticks are mostly put for canoes so keep clear of them!

Not long after KUNA arrived at Lola, the FIRST anchorage crowd I’ve witnessed in the last 6 months built up to 5 yachts !!!!! There are probably the 5 yachts in the country… A 29’ norvegian, a Sydney 60 foot cat, and a few others flash monohulls hovered around.