Mbaeni Anchorage
S8º 02.584 E157º 36.167

As most of the passages in/out of Morovo, Nggerasi and Toghovae lagoons, the Kokoana passage to get out of Matiu is deep with little current and steep reef edges. Navigating inside the lagoon is possible with lots of time.
The further north one goes, the murkier and less attractive the lagoon waters become. Lumahile passage and Charopoana passages near the resort island of Uipi also give access to interesting anchorages with good diving on the outer reef but beyond these locations, nutrient runoff from the logged slopes of Vangunu and New Georgia did not give much prospect for exciting diving.
yet another ship full of logs

A large flock of frigate day enjoy the wind!!
Winds have been so rare in the last month that the opportunity to sail 10-15 knots SE trade wind in flat waters today was not to be missed and the other locations mentioned above may be a stopover for later. 43 miles sail, an easy 9 to 5 day (yay!!!) led the KUNA to the very end of the Toghovae lagoon system, then the wind died. The lagoon gets very shallow but is connected to a deep harbour called Mbaeni, which is adjacent to the previously famous Lever harbour, whose entrance is a little further to the NW.

The entrance to Mbaeni Harbour is wide and deep, a stick to the left marks a shallow reef fronting a small island with an abandoned village. Best anchorage was found further in from the village in 17 m of mud, towards the river at position S8º 02.584 E157º 36.167. The bank raises rapidly to shallow mud after that. Few canoes came by but fruit and veg trading was possible, though exorbitant prices may be negociated!!