Peava village
Along the shores of the lagoon, lays the tranquil village of Peava. This place is not far from paradise. No crocodiles there, so can swim anytime and such nice people!!!!!
KUNA was very welcome in Peava (that’s why still hasn’t left!), but one shall not expect the village to support any rubbish disposal, repairs, etc. Heard some bad stories of previous yachties coming in and expecting services like in Australia, all for nothing (scrungers!) and they gave a bad impression! Peava is never short of water and villagers are happy for visitors to use the taps and wander around. It is good practice to go and find the young community leader Cyanna, to introduce oneself and ask for permission to go visiting the surrounding islands.
There are many great characters, who have initiated some good projects which give villagers jobs and a bit of purpose. There is a great community feeling in the village, whose is under the influence of the Seven Day Adventist Church, a mission which I found being very productive in the Solomon Islands (and I am not religious for two cents!). One day, we found everyone on a big weed picking mission (photo weed picking day) in the main single track road of the village (there are of course no cars here).

Weed picking in the main street of Peava
The Wilderness Lodge (check www.thewildernesslodge.org ), at the end of the wharf in the middle of the lagoon, is warm and inviting. Yes this sounds like a tourist advertising but that was so true the peaceful feeling given by this special place!

Four local great chefs run the kitchen for the guests who get to sit all together on a large table to share a meal. Some of the ladies did kindly bake extra bread for the KUNA and one may order some extra fruit and vegies for the yacht in advance. It helps the ladies picking no more than what’s needed from the garden! Many villagers work on and off for the lodge, and the manager Corey, (an Australian who elected domicile in Peava and married a local girl) makes some effort to keep a balance between introducing cash to the villagers and keeping them living with their subsistence gardens.

Corey has adapted a local dug out canoe and tracks well out of a big rain downpour with a cut down version windsurfer's sail!